
An ambition bridge is a small bridge concerning Sakaki. 
When it passes one car, it is like [ serious to passing each other with people ].

The bridge was not connected before. 
It seems that it went up to the bridge after getting down into the river at once.

taiboubasi000.jpg (42312 バイト)   taiboubasi004.jpg (48092 バイト) 橋桁の造りも大きさも違います。
A size also differs from structure of the foundation.
taiboubasi001.jpg (34642 バイト)   taiboubasi005.jpg (51257 バイト) 今はこの広くなっているところですれ違うことができます。
It can pass now in this place that is large.
taiboubasi002.jpg (49992 バイト)   taiboubasi006.jpg (45944 バイト)  
taiboubasi003.jpg (41232 バイト) 色の変わっているところが以前はつながっていなかったところだと思います。
The place which has changed the color considers [ having not just been going to connect before and ].
taiboubasi007.jpg (53146 バイト)